Original post from I Think in Black and White.
Anyway, I've recently figured something out: teenagers aren't supposed to play MMOs, apparently. There was a guild conversation today where age came up. Some kid said he was thirteen, and got laughed at. Apparently, "Healers should be 30, tanks should be 20, dps should be 13." I'm mostly a tank and sometimes a healer, and I'm fourteen.
Lucky me. Am I very mature, or very misplaced?
That aside, Rift has been going well. I might as well make this into a gamer blog with the way I'm going. :B
I leveled up a whopping ton. I got the level 20 achievement and I'm level 27 as I type. Level 30 will be a milestone for me, because in MMOs I usually don't get to level 30, sometimes even level 20. It just goes to show that Rift has my attention for the time being. It probably helps that my summer break just started (well, two weeks ago, but that's about how long I've been playing).
So I'm level 27, and I realize that I need to complete this quest in the Saga of the Endless chain, which involves going into a dungeon that I won't be able to go into after level 31 again until level 50. I get worried, so I go and spend my time farming mining mats and pumping up that skill, then working my armorsmith so it's actually useful before I get to level 50 (assuming I reach 50). It's not really a noticeable kind of armor upgrade from the quest rewards I get, but it's still useful to train the skill while I have the mats in my quest hub area.
I'm an Expert Miner and an Expert Armorsmith now. I wish there was a title there with those so that I could have a different title than "Champion of Freemarch." Oh, well. And I didn't bother to farm rams for my Butchering skill, so that's going to come back and bite me in the ass. Actually, it already did when I had to buy linen cloth rather than make it. But that's another story.
Anyway, I quested all the way through Stonefield, and finally got to go to Scarlet Gorge, the official third zone. (I say official because I accidentally took a brief sojourn into Scarwood, but it doesn't matter.) I'm pretty far in that chain as well, though lately I haven't been doing EVERY SINGLE QUEST like it's so tempting to do. I keep rerealizing, oh, yeah,
this quest isn't necessary. Why
am I going this far out of my way to accomplish it?! It's totally healthy, ha.
All this was going perfectly well, and I was slaughtering miners, you know, same old, same old, when suddenly the LAG MONSTER APPEARS AND EATS MY FACE and two minutes later my computer/the server/whatever catches up and I am dead, hurray.
But it's really awful. Constant, horrid spikes of latency, making the game basically unplayable. When something that I can't escape aggro'd on me, I'd have to hope that I could beat it with the few shots I could get in, because I certainly couldn't play very well. I was stuck running up and down the main Scarlet Gorge road looking for chromite so that I could go craft instead. That would have been great, except that lagged and I disconnected an endless amount of times and I died an endless amount of times and shops took ages to open and once the soul resurrection technician's speech box wouldn't open so I was trapped in soul walk mode... Then, while crafting chromite bars, one bar took eight minutes and all the while was that highly irritating crafting noise for armorsmith and a bar that appeared to be full.
If this doesn't get better, I'm cancelling my subscription, and I am taking my money somewhere else. This is ridiculous, and I'm not paying for a game I can't play.
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