Human Rogue (Noble)
As a human rogue, my family, the Couslands, invited Duncan into the castle early on, as well as another man whose armies were delayed named Howe. My brother was taking our armies to the south, where I'd eventually, of course, be joining them.
I was almost immediately surprised, after going to see my brother, when I was interrupted by another man who told me that my Mabari hound was in the larder. This made me extremely happy. It meant not having to use a stupid generic soldier in my party at the end of Ostagar (oops, spoilers!). It also meant not having to do that stupid Mabari quest early on, which is a time waster and rather boring. I decided my dog would be a girl this time around and named her Valeria. That unimportant detail attended to, I faced off in my first official battle against a horde of giant rats.
I said good-bye to my brother, who was leaving for the war early that next morning. His son was amusing. He said things like "Git away, dire bunny! All darkspawn fear my sward of truthiness!" Instantly endearing. Too bad that he
(Spoiler Alert) died, along with his mother, that night, when Howe's men attacked us. I dispatched them like a good little girl and got my mother, who was a surprisingly good fighter... rogue, I believe. And my dog is the best guard dog ever. Also, if I hadn't checked my inventory, I would've been fighting that fight in my underwear. But I'm smart like that.
When we got out, we killed ever more of Howe's men. I slaughtered my first mage, for one. There was also the constant beheadings and bloody, gory stabbings that are the glory of a Dragon Age rogue and the reason I love playing them. I was transfixed.
My father was gravely injured at the servant's exit, where we were to make our escape. Duncan came in and bartered with my father: my service as a Grey Warden for his assurance that he would get me out alive. My mother stayed to protect my wounded father, but I'm sure she died. You could kind of tell; the achievement for finishing the origin story was called "Last of the Line" or something like that.
In conclusion, Cousland is a good fantasy name.
I believe these will be the only two origin stories I summarize. It was fun for kicks and giggles, since I had free time... at, er... two in the morning. And the whole point was really just the pictures. You could tell, I think, that all I really liked doing was taking the screenshots, haha.
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