Elf Rogue (Alienage)
I decided that I didn't have the patience tonight to beat a tough battle of any sort, so instead, I'm humoring myself by playing through the origin stories. I've already played through the Magi one as an Elf Mage, and I'm not sure I'll be covering it again. But now I'll do the elven alienage one.
I started in my bed, woke up to a character I recognized from the major alienage plot event in my first run-through... a girl with short, choppy red hair and a defiant voice whose name I can never remember. The starting cutscene immediately made me fond of the alienage, where before I'd honestly really only thought of it as sort of a dirty hick town. Amazing what cheerful cutscenes can do for you.
The background information was unfortunately rather vague. I was getting married, and I had a friend named Soris, and we were going to escape? It all made little sense to me at first. Of course Duncan arrived... I'm starting to get attached to that guy. He just pops up everywhere!
So we're standing there talking and a human comes in. It's the son of the Arl of Denerim, Vaughn. Eventually my redhead friend knocks him out with a bottle. I play it cocky and threaten him half to death until he leaves. He miraculously recovers and I'm at my wedding in these very pretty bridal clothes, when suddenly... he pops up... and snags all of the women there? Including my redhead friend, who is apparently a drunkard. Oh, well... we can't all be perfect.
So we get captured, I'm standing in the corner, and Soris comes in and passes me a sword and there's an epic moment where the guards know they're screwed and then I kill them. Then an elven servant knocks out the offensive cook. Then I poison some off-duty guards with rat poison. Then... well, long story short, I cut a long and bloody path to Vaughn and his henchmen. My drunkard friend was apparently raped (from what I can infer), and one of my friends was killed, but we pretty made it off scot-free. And I got a bunch of cool new armor, too!
That is, it's all cool until the guards show up at the alienage. I take all the blame because I'm a good person like that (and also because Duncan was right there and I knew he was gonna do his thing and invoke the Right of Conscription, so why drag my friends into it?).
And then I say goodbye to my sentimental father (by the way, my mother was apparently a badass who taught me all these leet skills), Soris, and my redhead friend, and we're off into the great beyond of awesome.
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