Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Mass Effect 2: Replaying

I've already played this once. Therefore, since I have no urge to document it again, I'm only going to post brief summaries of my choices and actions.

  1. Recruited Miranda and Jacob. Like Miranda a lot more. She knows what she's doing. Jacob's just... eh. Which is a pity, because I'm a girl. On a male Shepard playthrough, I'm totally gonna snatch up Miranda. Just saying.
  2. Recruited Mordin. He's... eh. Not my favorite character.
  3. Recruited Garrus. He is pretty much my favorite character... one of them, anyway. With that super sexy voice acting. Yes please. Also, it is pretty much 98% guaranteed that he's gonna be the object of my romantic subplot. I can't help it. I'm a sucker for his voice acting. Also his whole "renegade justice" shtick.
  4. Recruited Jack. On my first playthrough she was one of my favorites. Now, she doesn't irritate me, I just don't have quite the same enthusiasm for her personality. I do like her honesty though, and the way she makes decisions for her own good. "Turns out, mess with someone's head enough and you can turn a scared kid into an all-powerful bitch. Fucking idiots." So true, Jack.
  5. Recruited Tali. I love that chick. Another returning character. Frankly, just another character I like for their voice. Her accent! And also I'm fascinated by their suits. Really good design on BioWare's part.
  6. Watched a very cool scene in Nos Astra because I released the Rachni Queen on Noveria in the first game. Totally looking forward to the outcome of that in Mass Effect 3. I am seriously excited for it.
  7. Recruited Samara. I like her and what she does, but... I don't know. She's not emotional enough to be one of my favorites... or something. Her suit looks like a strawberry. Also her companion quest is so amusing.
  8. Recruited Thane. He's pretty rad. I like him just 'cause I like hearing about the drell culture.
I've also done a handful of companion quests and the plot line up until you find out that you need the IFF. Before that, though, I have to upgrade the ship and finish all my side quests.

I am really looking forward to the sequence where you get to be Joker. :)

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