- Recruited Miranda and Jacob. Like Miranda a lot more. She knows what she's doing. Jacob's just... eh. Which is a pity, because I'm a girl. On a male Shepard playthrough, I'm totally gonna snatch up Miranda. Just saying.
- Recruited Mordin. He's... eh. Not my favorite character.
- Recruited Garrus. He is pretty much my favorite character... one of them, anyway. With that super sexy voice acting. Yes please. Also, it is pretty much 98% guaranteed that he's gonna be the object of my romantic subplot. I can't help it. I'm a sucker for his voice acting. Also his whole "renegade justice" shtick.
- Recruited Jack. On my first playthrough she was one of my favorites. Now, she doesn't irritate me, I just don't have quite the same enthusiasm for her personality. I do like her honesty though, and the way she makes decisions for her own good. "Turns out, mess with someone's head enough and you can turn a scared kid into an all-powerful bitch. Fucking idiots." So true, Jack.
- Recruited Tali. I love that chick. Another returning character. Frankly, just another character I like for their voice. Her accent! And also I'm fascinated by their suits. Really good design on BioWare's part.
- Watched a very cool scene in Nos Astra because I released the Rachni Queen on Noveria in the first game. Totally looking forward to the outcome of that in Mass Effect 3. I am seriously excited for it.
- Recruited Samara. I like her and what she does, but... I don't know. She's not emotional enough to be one of my favorites... or something. Her suit looks like a strawberry. Also her companion quest is so amusing.
- Recruited Thane. He's pretty rad. I like him just 'cause I like hearing about the drell culture.
I am really looking forward to the sequence where you get to be Joker. :)
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