Monday, July 18, 2011

Mass Effect: Oh god what is this

Mass Effect is... so much harder than Mass Effect 2. Goddamnit.

It was like this with Dragon Age 2, as well. DA:O was so hard, even on Casual mode (at least for my wimpy self), but I breezed through DA2 in a week. Conquered that game so hard on Normal (sometimes Hard when I was bored). Well, I played ME2 first, and loved it. The control scheme was so intuitive that it made the game feel so smooth and clean; the graphics, gorgeous; the premise and story, made me vomit happy rainbows.

Well, I want into ME for the story... but with the horrid clunky controls, repulsive tutorial system, and difficulty curve (?) I can't even get past the first level.

Also, you know what's ridiculous? Husks. Husks are fucking ridiculous. In ME2 they were an occasional fear, that scary thing that makes you think "oh god not these again, please not these again," but in this one apparently they mind-rape you right from the start. Those things creep me the fuck out. And in this game they have shields! Wtf?!

And your health and shields! Your health doesn't auto-regenerate...? You can't revive people in the middle of a battle...? The teammate controls are so clunky and unresponsive! And my goddamn teammate AI. They're standing around a wall and I tell them to target a goddamn Husk and they're like I DON'T HAVE A CLEAR SHOT! I'm like THEN STEP AROUND THE WALL, YOU GREAT USELESS ASSHATS!

Then I die, 'cause they don't.

Jesus. I hate Husks.

And I see Ashley and Kaiden... yeah, I know what happens to these two. Or one of them, at least. Thank you, ME2, for telling me. My favorite "returning" characters from ME2 (not that I would have known had they not told me) were Tali and Garrus, but... eh. Hoping they pop up soon. (All these turians and no Garrus! The heresy!)

Maybe it's just late. Iiiiiii need some sleep. Or maybe someone to play this game for me so that I can watch and make decisions. Alas.

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